About Us

Meet Our Team

Shane Hoadley

Shane Hoadley

Owner/ Instructor

Patrick M Golden

Patrick M Golden


About Shane

Hi, I’m Shane, one of the owners and full-time instructors for Safeguard Security Personal Defense & Training LLC. Our company came together as a collaboration of mutual interests and shared goals for personal defense. My personal journey began like most men my age. I had a rough and tumble childhood, spending most of my free time outside. With my friends, I found myself exploring the woods, running, climbing trees, and engaged in the occasional game of “beat the snot out of each other”. As far as shooting is concerned, I still remember the first time I ever shot a BB Gun. It was a Daisy, lever action, single shot rifle. Nothing was out of range for this trusty pea shooter. Tin cans, paper targets, bedroom windows (sorry mom & dad)…nothing was safe from my sights. My first upgrade came in the form of a Daisy Powerline pellet rifle (the kind that you could pump multiple times for more power). Oh, the fun I had. Growing older, my interests changed to sports. I really enjoyed the physical aspects and the competition. My shooting days were put on hold for a few years. In college, that all changed. I was invited to shoot with some friends in the ROTC program. That old familiar pew pew sound of the .22 caliber rifle reignited my interest in shooting. Not long after that day, I found myself enlisted in the Army National Guard. During my 9 years of military service, I learned a great deal about different firearms and how to operate them. I was fortunate enough to attend SAIROC (Small Arms Instructor/Range Operations Course), where I studied every US Army firearm from the M9 Beretta to the Browning .50 caliber machine gun. I also competed in IL State Rifle competitions and earned the Governor’s Twenty award. Along with shooting, the Infantry taught me hand to hand fighting, communication, basic first aid, and many other skills that have helped me with my own personal defense. Since then, I have taken an interest in all types of training. I am an instructor now, but I will always be a student of personal defense. Here is a list of my credentials and personal accomplishments:


  • Personal Defense Instructor, Safeguard Security Personal Defense
  • Personal Defense Instructor, Good Shepherd Defense and Training
  • USCCA Concealed Carry & Home Defense Instructor
  • USCCA Defensive Shooting Fundamentals Level 1 Instructor
  • I.C.E. Training Company Defensive Firearms Coach
  • NRA Range Safety Officer
  • Martial Blade Concepts Study Group Leader >
  • A.L.I.C.E. Training Instructor (Active Shooter)
  • Independent Security Advisors Dignitary Protection Specialist
  • US Army Infantry School – Ft. Benning, Georgia
  • Combat Lifesaver Course – US Army
  • SAIROC – US Army
  • Fundamentals of Intuitive Defensive Shooting – Rob Pincus
  • Defensive Firearms Coach Certification – Barrett Kendrick, I.C.E. Training Company
  • Martial Blade Concepts Defensive Knife Level 1 – Eric Mayes/Spartan Tactical Training
  • Martial Blade Concepts/Counter Blade Concepts – Thayne Alexander
  • Martial Blade Camp 2021 – Michael Janich, Founder and Lead Instructor MBC/CBC
  • Pistol Skill Development Course – Matthew Little, Greybeard Actual
  • Advanced Level student, HaganaH F.I.G.H.T. – Pat Golden, Academy of Okinawan Karate
  • Hand to Hand Dynamic Combat – Pat Golden, Liberty Defense Company
  • Stop the Bleed – Braxton Morrison, American Safety & Health Institute

About Patrick

  • Chief instructor for HaganaH  F.I.G.H.T. at the Academy of Okinawan Karate
  • Self-defense and firearms instructor for TacMed Essentials program
  • Firearms, Self Defense, Knife and Improvised Weapons instructor for Good Shepherd Defense and Training
  • Firearms, Self Defense, Knife and Improvised Weapons instructor for Safeguard Security Personal Defense & Training
  • Licensed CCW instructor for the State of Illinois
  • Mr. Golden began training in HaganaH (an Israeli military self-defense) in 2004. By 2011 he became assistant instructor. By 2013 he became a full instructor and then took over as Chief Instructor in 2015 where he still teaches class regularly.

In 2011 Mr Golden began instructing for the TacMed essentials program under the direction of Dr. John Wipfler. In these classes Mr. Golden teaches unarmed combatives to students as well as basic firearms skills. The Tacmed advanced class is a 4-day intensive course covering all aspects of dealing with, securing and setting up safe haven for SWAT teams in the event of a mass shooter incident with primary focus on medical support.

 Mr. Golden also has had the privilege to be an instructor for the last 8 years at the Kagami-Biraki Gasshuku seminar. This is a national Shuri Ryu Karate conference where his main subject matter taught was blade combatives. Mr. Golden also holds rank in Chi Jo Sento Ju Jitsu, Shuri Ryu Karate, Judo and Shin Kage Ryu Samurai sword.

Qualifications and Achievments:

2nd degree Expert, HaganaH F.I.G.H.T. (Israeli Martial art)

HaganaH Combative Knife Expert

Martial Blade Concepts Defensive Knife Level 1

IDFPR certified

PERC certified

NRA certified, Range Safety Officer

NRA certified, Basic Pistol Instructor

NRA certified, Personal protection inside the home Instructor

NRA certified, Personal protection outside the home Instructor

Illinois State Police certified Concealed Carry Instructor

FEMA certified, Active shooter in the workplace

U.S. Fugitive Enforcement Bureau Bail Enforcement Training certified

U.S. Fugitive Enforcement Bureau Firearms Training certified

U.S. Fugitive Enforcement Bureau Handcuffing, Baton Pepper Spray Certified

Utah Bail Bond Recovery Agent

USFEB Bail Bond Recovery Agent

International Foundation for Protection Officers Dignitary Protection Training Course ISA 101

Independent Security Advisors Dignitary Protection DPP 101

Dignitary and Executive protection specialist

Low Light Defensive Pistol graduate

Place of Worship Risk Management graduate

Advanced Tacmed certified


Clientele instructed:

Tacmed Classes

Liberty Defense Classes

Good Shepard Defense Classes

UICOMP, (University of Illinois College of Medicine)

OSF SFMC EM Residency


EMT/ Paramedics

Fire fighters

Law Enforcement



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